January 5, 2010 Municipal Council Meeting
Opening Ceremonies - 1. Roll Call
2. Invocation and Pledge
3. Approval of Minutes: December 15, 2009 Council Meeting
4. Council Business
a. Election of 2010 Council Chair.
b. Election of 2010 Council Vice Chair.
c. A resolution acknowledging the elections of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Provo
Municipal Council for calendar year 2010.
Newly elected Chair and Vice Chair will take their seats following the Resolution
d. Presentation to 2009 Chair Cynthia R. Dayton and Vice Chair Sherrie Hall Everett
e. A resolution appointing the Chair and Vice Chair of the Redevelopment Agency
of Provo City for calendar year 2010.
Opening Ceremonies
1. Roll Call2. Invocation and Pledge
3. Approval of Minutes: December 15, 2009 Council Meeting
4. Council Business
a. Election of 2010 Council Chair.
b. Election of 2010 Council Vice Chair.
c. A resolution acknowledging the elections of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Provo
Municipal Council for calendar year 2010.
Newly elected Chair and Vice Chair will take their seats following the Resolution
d. Presentation to 2009 Chair Cynthia R. Dayton and Vice Chair Sherrie Hall Everett
e. A resolution appointing the Chair and Vice Chair of the Redevelopment Agency
of Provo City for calendar year 2010.
Public Comments - Citizens may address the Mayor and Council regarding city business matters not on the agenda. The comment period is 15 minutes with a limit of 3 minutes per person.
Public Comments
Citizens may address the Mayor and Council regarding city business matters not on the agenda. The comment period is 15 minutes with a limit of 3 minutes per person.»
Item 7A - A public hearing to consider a resolution appropriating $ 1,860,000 in the Engineering Capital Improvement Fund for capital expenses and applying to the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010.
Item 7A
A public hearing to consider a resolution appropriating $ 1,860,000 in the Engineering Capital Improvement Fund for capital expenses and applying to the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010.»
Items 7B and 7C - B. A public hearing to consider a resolution designating City of Provo, Utah a Recovery Zone for purposes of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
C. A public hearing to consider a resolution allocating to Utah County, Utah (the "County") $8,675,000 of the City of Provo's Recovery Zone Economic Bond Allocation received pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for the purpose of allowing the County to issue Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds to finance a portion of the costs related to a new convention center and related improvements.
Items 7B and 7C
B. A public hearing to consider a resolution designating City of Provo, Utah a Recovery Zone for purposes of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.C. A public hearing to consider a resolution allocating to Utah County, Utah (the "County") $8,675,000 of the City of Provo's Recovery Zone Economic Bond Allocation received pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for the purpose of allowing the County to issue Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds to finance a portion of the costs related to a new convention center and related improvements.
Item 7D - A resolution amending the Provo City Consolidated Fee Schedule to add a taxicab business license sticker fee as provided in Section 6.10.050, Provo City Code.
Item 7D
A resolution amending the Provo City Consolidated Fee Schedule to add a taxicab business license sticker fee as provided in Section 6.10.050, Provo City Code.»
Item 7E - A resolution amending the Provo City Consolidated Fee Schedule to add a fee for a solicitor's identification badge as provided in Section 6.09.110, Provo City Code.
Item 7E
A resolution amending the Provo City Consolidated Fee Schedule to add a fee for a solicitor's identification badge as provided in Section 6.09.110, Provo City Code.»
Item 7F - A resolution supporting the City's 2010 Federal Agenda.
Item 7F
A resolution supporting the City's 2010 Federal Agenda.»
Item 7G - A resolution supporting the City's 2010 State Legislative Agenda.
Item 7G
A resolution supporting the City's 2010 State Legislative Agenda.© 2025 Swagit Productions, LLC