April 23, 2014 Planning Commission
Call to Order - Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Call to Order
Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call
Item 1 - White Ogden Investments LLC requests re-approval of a Project Plan for a student
housing proposal called Pacific Heights Apartments. The applicant has increased the bed-count by 20, although the number of dwelling units has remained the same (71). Additionally, parking
spaces and amenity space have been increased. Project area is located at 743 North 900 East,
Provo, Utah; in the CHDR (Campus High-Density Residential) zone. Joaquin Neighborhood
13-0024PPA, Sean Allen, 801-852-6407
Item 1
White Ogden Investments LLC requests re-approval of a Project Plan for a studenthousing proposal called Pacific Heights Apartments. The applicant has increased the bed-count by 20, although the number of dwelling units has remained the same (71). Additionally, parking
spaces and amenity space have been increased. Project area is located at 743 North 900 East,
Provo, Utah; in the CHDR (Campus High-Density Residential) zone. Joaquin Neighborhood
13-0024PPA, Sean Allen, 801-852-6407
Item 2 - On behalf of the Provo Housing Development Corp, WPA Architecture requests Project
Plan approval to construct a new senior housing facility, comprising of 42/1-bedroom units on
approximately 1.29 acres; located at 485 West 200 North, Provo, UT, in the DT-1 (General
Downtown) Zone. Timp Neighborhood 14-0006PPA, Sean Allen, 801-852-6407
Item 2
On behalf of the Provo Housing Development Corp, WPA Architecture requests ProjectPlan approval to construct a new senior housing facility, comprising of 42/1-bedroom units on
approximately 1.29 acres; located at 485 West 200 North, Provo, UT, in the DT-1 (General
Downtown) Zone. Timp Neighborhood 14-0006PPA, Sean Allen, 801-852-6407
Item 3 - City of Provo Public Works Department requests various amendments to Title 15 of the
Provo City Code, to clarify certain provisions and to update the consolidated fee schedule of the
City. City Wide Application 14-0005OA, Carrie Walls, 801-852-6413
Item 3
City of Provo Public Works Department requests various amendments to Title 15 of theProvo City Code, to clarify certain provisions and to update the consolidated fee schedule of the
City. City Wide Application 14-0005OA, Carrie Walls, 801-852-6413
Item 4 - Provo City Public Works Storm Water Division requests a positive recommendation, to
the City Council, to adopt new text to the municipal code for the proper management of storm water and drainage. The location for this new text is proposed to be added as Title 18. Title 18 will allow Provo City to comply with the Federal Clean Water Act, and the Department of Water Quality’s (DWQ) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. City wide 14-0003OA,
Sean Allen, 801-852-6407
Item 4
Provo City Public Works Storm Water Division requests a positive recommendation, tothe City Council, to adopt new text to the municipal code for the proper management of storm water and drainage. The location for this new text is proposed to be added as Title 18. Title 18 will allow Provo City to comply with the Federal Clean Water Act, and the Department of Water Quality’s (DWQ) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. City wide 14-0003OA,
Sean Allen, 801-852-6407
Item 5 (Part 1 of 2) - Mykel Davis, agent for BYU, requests approval of a Zoning Map Amendment of
approximately .8857 acres, generally located at 1600 North 900 East, from the R1.8 (One Family
Residential) zone to PF (Public Facilities) zone in order to build a new auxiliary laundry facility.
University Neighborhood 14-0002R, Aaron Ardmore, 801-852-6404
Item 5 (Part 1 of 2)
Mykel Davis, agent for BYU, requests approval of a Zoning Map Amendment ofapproximately .8857 acres, generally located at 1600 North 900 East, from the R1.8 (One Family
Residential) zone to PF (Public Facilities) zone in order to build a new auxiliary laundry facility.
University Neighborhood 14-0002R, Aaron Ardmore, 801-852-6404
Item 5 (Part 2 of 2) - Mykel Davis, agent for BYU, requests approval of a Zoning Map Amendment of
approximately .8857 acres, generally located at 1600 North 900 East, from the R1.8 (One Family
Residential) zone to PF (Public Facilities) zone in order to build a new auxiliary laundry facility.
University Neighborhood 14-0002R, Aaron Ardmore, 801-852-6404
Item 5 (Part 2 of 2)
Mykel Davis, agent for BYU, requests approval of a Zoning Map Amendment ofapproximately .8857 acres, generally located at 1600 North 900 East, from the R1.8 (One Family
Residential) zone to PF (Public Facilities) zone in order to build a new auxiliary laundry facility.
University Neighborhood 14-0002R, Aaron Ardmore, 801-852-6404
Item 6 - Mykel Davis, agent for BYU, requests Preliminary Project Plan Approval for a new
Laundry Facility, generally located at 1600 North 900 East, in the R1.8 (One-Family Residential)
zone and PF (Public Facilities) zone. University Neighborhood 14-0010PPA, Aaron Ardmore,
Item 6
Mykel Davis, agent for BYU, requests Preliminary Project Plan Approval for a newLaundry Facility, generally located at 1600 North 900 East, in the R1.8 (One-Family Residential)
zone and PF (Public Facilities) zone. University Neighborhood 14-0010PPA, Aaron Ardmore,
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